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Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

With the advent of technology, e-learning has become an intrinsic part of the teaching and learning process. Further the recent UGC Draft proposal on Blended learning has made it both urgent and necessary for educational institutions to work towards developing strategies for online education. Several initiatives have been undertaken in the direction of constructing an effective teaching learning environment using the fruits of technology. These include development of e-content, massive open online courses, virtual labs and knowledge repositories.

The onset of the recent pandemic situation completely transformed the way in which teaching was imparted and ultimately the teaching pedagogy. The medium of content delivery, communication, assessment and feedback transitioned to the online platforms available. This led the teaching fraternity to redesign the entire teaching learning process and embrace ICT tools and technologies as chariots of contemporary education.

This Online Faculty Development Programme aims to develop the required skills to effectively utilize ICT tools and make them an essential component of the teaching-learning framework. The programme aims to assist the teaching fraternity from all disciplines in using various technologies related to the development of e-content and managing online classes. The FDP is designed to disseminate knowledge of some of the important digital tools used for academic purposes. This will help them to manage their curriculum and also in extending effective support to the students in terms of improved learning and communication. The participants will be trained in developing e-content in the form of presentations, videos, infographics which are engaging and interactive and would better cater to the needs of students with different learning styles. The programme would also highlight the essential requirements and setup needed to develop e-content. This would help the participants in also understanding the four-quadrant model used while designing online courses and how they could contribute e-content for such courses. The sessions would be practical in nature and would demonstrate usage of different extensions and applications that can be extremely significant while taking online classes. The FDP also outlines creation and conduct of online assessments and quizzes that could support seamless and hassle-free grading and evaluation of students which would not only be simple for the teachers but also interesting for the students.

Overall, the FDP plans to equip the teaching fraternity with the necessary capability to excel in their teaching endeavors supported by the various tools available which are not only teacher but also student friendly at the same time and can definitely better the teaching learning environment.